Sophie & Roman Shor are recognized for service to Hunterdon Community by Senator Leonard Lance On Saturday, May 8, 2010 the Hunterdon County YMCA hosted its 20th Annual Recognition Dinner at Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club honoring Roman and Sophie Shor, founders of Roman Jewelers, for outstanding service in the community. Congressman Leonard Lance was in attendance and presented the couple with a congressional award. Through this event the YMCA raised over $105,000 for its financial assistance program, a new record. The financial assistance program allows people facing economic and social challenges the opportunity to participate in YMCA programs and services including summer camp, childcare and health and wellness. The funds raised through the Annual Recognition Dinner will help local children attend camp, participate in sports and receive childcare provided by the YMCA. In addition to the YMCA, the Shors are supporters with the Hunterdon Medical Center, Safe in Hunterdon and the local Police and Fire departments. They have a special place in their hearts for the school children & seniors who they regularly help with with donations and special seminars. Most recently, they have lent their energies and talents to the event "The Roman Jewelers Wedding" which is designed to encourage volunteerism and philanthropy in young adults. Last year's premiere event proved to be a wonderful way to inspire commitment and awareness in a younger generation, raising over $100,000 for various local and national charities.