When Emeralds And Diamonds Fit Together, A Beautiful Three-Stone Ring Is Formed

Custom Jewelry

By: Admin

Aug 11,2011

Three stone ring with an emerald cut diamond and two emeralds

Since posting a graphic of the three-stone ring with an emerald-cut diamond and two green emeralds a few days ago,  I received phone calls and e-mails asking me to post a photo of the finished ring. Here it is for all to admire and enjoy. I know that the picture does not do the ring justice it deserves - I am still a photographer in training. But if you have a diamond and would like to redesign it into a different piece of jewelry while adding colored stones to the design, only your imagination  - or the lack of - can limit you. You see, not only are diamonds beautiful stones by themselves, they work great with many colored stones, bringing an array of new feelings and emotions to the wearer.