Shipping Policy
If you have already placed your order, please click here to view your Order Status.
Free Store Pickup available on any order
Free Priority Shipping on all orders over $300
In-Store or Curbside Pickup - FREE
Photo ID required for pickup.
You will receive an email when your item is ready for pickup.
Priority Shipping - $15.00
Signature Required upon Delivery
Est. delivery 3-5 business days (Mon thru Fri)
Express Shipping - $35.00
Signature Required upon Delivery
Est. delivery 1-2 business days (Mon thru Fri)
All packages are shipped with insurance and require and adult signature. If you have limitations on the days or times you will be available to sign for your package at the point of delivery, please contact the store at or (908)575-1242.
Once you have placed your order, please allow the allotted business days (Mon thru Fri) to process and prepare your order. Once shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking number. Products are shipped subject to Credit Authorization and Availability.
For security purposes, we are only able to ship merchandise to the address connected to your form of payment. If you do not have access to that location, please utilize our in-store pickup option. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.