Matching And Replacing Missing Stones

Oh, my! You look at your favorite ring and realize that, much to your dismay, one of the side diamonds has gone missing. What are you to do? Bring it in for repair, of course. And there’s no better store to replace a missing stone than Roman Jewelers.
Usually, a missing stone is an indicator that a ring needs repair. More often than not, stones fall out because the ring’s prongs are damaged. So, if a ring is brought in with a missing stone, we first make sure that the ring’s prongs are examined and fixed if necessary. Then, we carefully examine existing stones for color, clarity, cut and size to match them accurately with a replacement stone that is later installed.
Our goal in this type of jewelry repair is for a replaced stone to blend in flawlessly. If the stone replacement is done right, you will not to be able to tell which stone was originally missing.
To prevent a loss of stones, any ring that is brought for repair (regardless of the type of repair) will have its setting and prongs inspected.